Return to the River!

-by Michael Allen

Greetings AVM Family,

In October of 2021 Team One Chapel (Texas) returned to the River as the first AVM team in nearly 18 months! It was this same core group, the Jennings and the Stones, that led the last AVM team to travel to the West Amazon Basin in December of 2019.

The team ministered in Nova Porta Lima with the members of a Tikuna tribe. During their visit they conducted 6 church services, a marriage Bible study, vacation Bible school (with over 85 children!), break-out sessions with the youth, and evangelized through bracelets, evangecubes, and a soccer ball! Many relationships were built and Team One Chapel has been invited back for Indigenous Day in August of this year. Several days after the team left the village there were 9 marriage ceremonies performed as a testimony to their belief in Christ and willingness to walk in accordance with God’s Law. This included the pastor of the church, his father, and all of the deacons! Wow! Praise the Lord!

Richard, Christi, Harold, and Jan are already planning their return to the River again in 2022 with trips slated for June and August.